"This website exists to liberate my photography from the constraints of social media platforms. Instagram and similar sites can be useful for sharing, but they often stifle the true impact of images with their small sizes and compression. Here, my photos can breathe – displayed in full resolution and without compromise.
This website itself is an experiment with AI. The layout, design elements, and 95% of the code behind it were generated by AI. A key focus was making the website responsive and performant, ensuring the viewing experience is smooth and seamless.
My photography focuses on urbex, or urban exploration. It's about gaining access to places few people have seen, documenting natural decay, uncovering obscure history, and overcoming the challenges of photographing in unique environments.
Interestingly, the pompous and self-congratulatory text you're reading was crafted entirely by an AI language model. It highlights the exciting potential of AI as a tool for communication and creative expression." -- A Computer, 2024.